5 Holiday Gift Ideas for Brain Health and Wellness

I am sure we can all relate to the feelings of waiting until the last minute to buy gifts. The holiday season can be stressful. It can be overwhelming to think of ideas for everyone on your list. But do not fret, we got you covered with unique gift ideas for the special people in your life. Here is a list of gift ideas just in time for the holidays that will not only put smiles on faces, but promote brain health and wellness.

1.  Puzzles

A puzzle is the perfect gift for the holidays. They are not only a fun activity, but they help with brain exercise. They come in many themes and styles that make them unique and personalizable to the individual. They are great at family events to work on together.

Explore the many types of puzzles like word searches, crossword puzzles, and jigsaw puzzles. You can even order custom puzzles, to give the gift a personal touch.

2.  Self-Care Basket

A self-care basket is a great gift for the holidays. It's a great customizable gift for anyone. They are not hard to make, but look very sophisticated. Many people tend to overlook self-care during the year. Remind them to take care of themselves as much as they care and tend to others.

Things to include:

  • Face masks
  • Cozy socks
  • Reading book
  • Colored pencils and sketchbook paper/coloring book
  • Lotion
  • Bath bomb
  • Soap 
  • Blanket
  • Robe
  • Candle
  • Sleep mask
  • Snacks
  • Body scrub
  • Lotion

Pro tips: 

  • Try making homemade body scrubs, lotion, bath bombs, and candles for a personal touch. They are easier to make in bulk for multiple baskets at once. You also have more control over ingredients if gifting to someone who may have sensitivities to ingredients. 
  • Try color coordinating the basket items for a put together and uniform look.

3.  Journals

Check out our 50 Journal Prompts to Help You Start Journaling blog to find inspiration for starting to journal. 

Pro Tips:

  • For new journalists, try printing the prompts to include with the gift to help them get started.  
  • Try gifting a plain cover journal with pens, stamps, stickers, markers, ribbon or other decorative items. This leaves it up to the recipient to decorate the cover to their liking. It’s perfect for encouraging creativity and also a great idea for a gathering or party.

4.  Meditation Mantra Jar

This is a great way to introduce someone to a new method of meditation or for someone in your life who already uses meditation as an outlet. This jar is an easy and small present perfect for stocking stuffers or add ons to other gifts. Try this with something other than mantras as well like inspirational quotes, core memories, 100 things you love about a person…. Anything works! Let your creativity flow. 


  1. Write mantras or affirmations on folded slips of paper. 
  2. Add to a mason jar.
  3. Add a tag with the intention of the jar, explaining what meditation is, and the benefits of meditation.
Examples of Mantras to Include:
“I can and I will”
“I am content in this moment”
“I am enough”
“I am full of light”
“I am a magnet for all that is good”
“I have compassion for myself and others”
“Every day is a new beginning”
“I love myself”
“I support myself”

“I believe in myself”

5.  Omega 3 Bars

Omega 3 bars are a great gift for the holidays for those looking to try something new. Great stocking stuffers for children and adults! Besides the amazing taste, they provide so much more. They’re filled with 1250 MG omega-3 fatty acids that support brain health, increase mood, and improve memory. These bars are perfect for the snackaholics in your life. They are also great for people who can not eat seafood to get the recommended amount of omega-3s. Try cinnamon, cranberry, or both with our variety pack! Omega 3 bars are a great addition to parfaits, trail mix, and so much more. Check out our blog with recipes for how to use the bars. 

Hopefully these gift ideas help you check off boxes on your lengthy gift list or inspire other gifts.